tournament rules

Official Rules for 2024 Drain Raider Pro Team Series, (aka. DRPTS) LLC 

The following rules will remain unchanged throughout the event(s) unless State or local laws are in conflict. Interpretation and enforcement of rules will be left to the Tournament Director. In the event of a rule violation the Tournament Director may impose such sanctions as deemed appropriate including without limitation: disqualification, forfeiture of prizes, and/or entry fee, and prohibition from participation in subsequent tournaments. 

  1. Participation and Eligibility — There are no restrictions as to race, gender, creed or color of any DRTPS participant. Those participating under the age of 18 must have written consent and the release of liability from a parent or guardian, and the approval of the DRTPS Tournament Director. The minimum age for an angler who wants to fish any team event is 16. Any angler under 18 must be the fishing partner of their legal guardian, and that legal guardian will need to notify Tournament Director and sign a waiver.

  2. Cooperation with Media/Promotion — Within the framework of reasonable requests, all contestants in DRPTS events will cooperate with media representatives covering said event. Likewise, participation in the tournament grants DRPTS the use of any pictures of contestants, accounts, or interviews with contestants it gathers for the lawful promotion of DRPTS and its tournament operations.

  3. Sportsmanship — The laws of sportsmanship, courtesy, integrity and good judgment on and off the water will be adhered to at all times. The use of obscene language or gestures is specifically forbidden at any time prior to, during, or after the event in the immediate area of the host marina, weigh-in area, lodging facilities, or tournament headquarters.

  4. Tournament Protection Rule — Any act or inflammatory statement by any contestant that, in the opinion of the Tournament Authority, is detrimental to the bass tournament, damaging to organized bass fishing, to DRTPS, or any of its staff, sponsors, or to permitting agencies or their officers (such as park rangers, fisheries biologists, or other officials), may result in the temporary or permanent suspension from all future DRTPS events. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH CONTESTANT to know these rules. A rules violation compromises the entire tournament field, not just your partner for the day. DRTPS reserves the right to refuse admission into its tournaments.

  5. Alcoholic Beverages/Narcotics — Any contestant under the influence of, or in possession of, alcohol, barbiturates, or any other controlled, illegal substance in his or her boat will result in the immediate disqualification of the offending party. No alcohol is allowed in or around the event by participating anglers, including weigh-in area or anywhere around the hosting marina during event hours.

  6. Safety — Each boat entered in a DRTPS event must follow all Coast Guard and Oregon Marine Board regulations: Boat must be equipped with a working ignition “Kill” switch, which must be attached to the driver whenever the outboard motor is running. Also, any time the outboard motor is in operation during prescribed tournament hours (from launch each day until end of weigh in,) the driver and all passengers must wear and secure their Coast Guard approved (Type III PFD) life jackets. SOS suspender types that meet Type V PFD performance with Type III or Type II performance are allowed. Drivers are responsible for maintaining, knowing their craft, and operating their boat in a safe and courteous manner. Unsafe or reckless driving, excessive speed, and violation of local laws will not be tolerated. Boat drivers who purposefully endanger their passengers and/or other boats on the water during the official tournament period face the possibility of disqualification from the tournament and potential expulsion from future DRTPS events.

  7. Licenses/Registration & Permitted Waters — Each contestant must have in possession a valid and current fishing license with the appropriate stamps governing the fishable waters of the event. Penalty for such an offense is subject disqualification for that day’s catch. Additionally, contestants must have current, valid registration for their boats to be eligible to fish the event.

    ALL DRPTS events will be permitted in Oregon and Washington. If you plan to fish in Washington waters you are required to have a license for both Oregon and Washington. All competing boats are required to have a competition banner on the cowling of their motor.

  8. Insurance & Liability — A minimum of Three Hundred Thousand ($300,000) liability insurance is required of all contestants utilizing their boats in all DRPTS tournaments. Contestants are required to have proof of insurance at each tournament. All contestants are required to sign a waiver absolving the tournament staff, sponsors, co-sponsors, tournament venues, and their employees from any responsibility for any damage or personal injury sustained because of their participation in the tournament or related activities. Contestants are required to have in their possession and upon request provide proof of insurance to the tournament director. Failure or refusal to provide proof of insurance upon demand may result in disqualification from the event.

  9. Tournament Water Closures — Tournament waters are off limits Monday at sundown to Saturday at launch the week of the tournament.

  10. Fishable Waters/Locking/Off Limit Areas — Fishable waters in DRPTS tournaments include any water reachable by boat which is open to all contestants and which is not otherwise restricted by local, state, or federal regulations.

    Dam locking will be allowed. Lock times will be set by the Tournament Director who will solely interact with the lock master on behalf of the tournament. Anglers who choose to lock will be required to lock ONLY at the times set by the Tournament Director. If the lock master has to amend or change any lock times, the Tournament Director will communicate this through text message/calls to everyone who is locking. Anyone who locks outside of the set times will be immediately disqualified. Be aware of local regulations and requirements to lock your boat.

    No fishing is allowed inside the host marina area, and within 50 yards from any and all fuel docks. This will be defined in every rules meeting. Contestants cannot leave the boat to land a fish. Contestants must be able to navigate boat into fishing area without getting out of the boat (push poles allowed.) All fishing must be done from an inspected boat. No tube or wade fishing is allowed. Boats may not be trailered to and from weigh-in during tournament hours. If you are unable to return to the weigh-in site by boat your catch for the day will not be weighed. Team partners must fish from the same boat. Only the contestants may be in the boat during tournament and Pre-Fish hours unless specifically approved by the Tournament Director prior to the tournament. Having a non-contestant sit on a hole for you will be grounds for disqualification. The host marina/launch including the area inside the “no-wake” buoys is always off limits to fishing. All off-limits areas will be denoted during the mandatory partner pairings meeting.

  11. Information Sharing and Communications — During the off-limits period and during competition, anglers may not solicit and/or receive fishing information from anyone other than the partner they are fishing with or DRPTS competitors. Information gathered through publicly available sources, i.e. Google Earth, published maps, etc. is permissible. Involuntary violation of this rule should be reported to the Tournament Director. Appropriate action will be taken on a case by case basis. The purchasing of or bartering for information or the hiring of services will not be permitted after the start of the off-limits period. The sharing of tournament winnings in exchange for fishing information is strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification.

  12. Cellular telephones — Cell phones or other communication devices, including all forms of text messaging are allowed in boats as an emergency tool only; boat-to-boat communication is prohibited except for emergency purposes. Anglers who communicate with others during tournament hours for the purposes of bettering their fishing circumstances will be disqualified by the tournament authority.  This includes “Spot Blocking” or “Spot Protecting”  no anglers shall work as a team to guard or block other boats from entering someones waters.  If a boater leaves a spot, it is no longer his/her spot.  Conversely, this is a sport of sportsmanship and integrity.  We expect everyone to act accordingly.

  13. Sight Fishing — No camera or viewing devises may be used during tournament hours other than standard available electronics. The intentional snagging of fish is strictly prohibited.

  14. Size Limits/Bag Limits — Qualifying fish (Largemouth and Smallmouth) must be a minimum of 12” in length, measured lying flat with the mouth closed on a flat board. The daily tournament limit will be five (5) bass per boat. Tournament boats inside the check-in area must not possess more than the tournament limit of 5 fish. Anglers in violation are subject to disqualification for the day, at the sole discretion of the tournament director. Short fish will be assessed a one-pound penalty plus the loss of the short fish.

  15. Equipment/Tackle/Technique Restrictions — Each Pro tournament entered boat must be a minimum of 17 feet in length. Engines may not exceed the BIA horsepower rating for the boat hull.  Dual engine outboard vessels are prohibited. Each boat must be equipped with a functioning, aerated live well. Boats must have rear seat available for AAA partner should they request one. Only artificial lures may be used. No live bait, cut or prepared baits other than pork rind or mammal hide may be used. Fish “attractants and scents” may be utilized. All fishing must be accomplished with one rod and reel combination used at one time, meaning each cast must be made and line retrieved before another cast may be made with another outfit. Contestants may have an unlimited number of rods and reels on the boat rigged and ready to fish. Using the electric motor only to stroll or troll is permitted as long as the angler maintains contact with his or her fishing rod. Setting the rod down or in a pole holder while moving the boat with the electric motor is not permitted. The intentional snagging of fish is strictly prohibited. Landing nets are permitted, but may not have an overall length (handle and hoop combined) longer than eight (8) feet. There are no rod length limit.

  16. Culling — It is the responsibility of each team to immediately cull their limit to five (5) fish throughout the tournament. NON-PIERCING CULL TAGS ARE REQUIRED. The use of piercing cull tags are prohibited and will lead to disqualification. Can balance fore the purpose of establishing big fish. No measuring, releasing, or culling of any bass is permitted by contestants inside the designated host marina boundaries at any time. If any anglers bring more than 5 fish into the designated host marina, your team weight for that day will be disqualified. At no time will a contestant cull a “Dead” fish during tournament hours.

  17. Weigh-ln — When presenting fish to be measured, the contestant cannot touch the fish while the official takes the measurement. Once fish are presented to the Weighmaster, they immediately become the “official catch” of the contest and they become the possession of the Weighmaster to measure, weigh and record as such. Requests for a re-weigh or second opinion will be denied.

  18. Scoring — Each team may weigh in five (5) fish with 12” minimum size limit. Only largemouth or smallmouth bass will be weighed. Failure to check-in by the designated weigh-in time will result in a one pound (1 lb) per minute penalty. After 10 minutes that team will forfeit its weight for that day. It is the responsibility of each team to make sure they are identified at the check-in site.

  19. Fish Care — It is the angler’s responsibility to care for the preservation of their fish. This means having fizz needles available and knowing how to use them. Also having ways to manage your fish care during extreme temperature situations. 

  20. Dead Fish Penalty — It is the goal of DRPTS to release alive all tournament caught bass following the weigh-in. Contestants, therefore, are required to do everything in their power to preserve their daily catch. Deliberate, rough, or careless handling of fish while culling or handling fish is grounds for disqualification. The penalty amount of .50-pound (8 OZ)  will be deducted for each bass presented “not alive” as judged by the Weighmaster. 

  21. Fish Release — After weighing in fish, participants will be required to release their own fish, at least one mile away from the host marina. Any participants that release fish closer than required distance will forfeit their weight for the day.

  22. Weather and Tournament Cancellation — DRPTS will follow and track weather leading up to each tournament. If conditions present a safety risk, the Tournament Director will make a decision on postponement and rescheduling by 5:00pm Thursday before the tournament. If conditions are predicted to present a safety risk for day 2 after tournament has begun, the Tournament Director will make a decision to cancel or resume tournament 1 hour before blast off on Sunday. If the second day is cancelled, the standings from day 1 will be the final standings for that tournament.

  23. Relief Rule — In the event that an angler must leave the boat during competition to use the restroom the other angler must remain in the boat. All fishing must cease until both anglers are back in the boat.

  24. Breakdowns / Emergencies — Anglers are not permitted to leave their boat or touch another boat, except for emergency or major equipment failure. There will be only two permitted methods of returning to the official weigh-in site: (1) by both partners remaining in their boat and being towed by water, or (2) by one or both partners entering the boat of another DRPTS tournament contestant and returning to weigh-in site. In either situation, being towed or entering another boat, both anglers need to cease all fishing. Under these two conditions, the contestant's catch may be counted without penalty (except for late or dead fish penalties). Teams who elect to return to official check-in by any other means than cited above will forfeit that day's catch, unless approved by Tournament Director IN ADVANCE. In case of a mechanical breakdown that requires a team to swap tournament boats, that team will be eligible to resume competition only under the supervision of a DRPTS official. Both team members must be present for a boat inspection before a restart will be granted. It is the sole responsibility of contestants to locate a tournament official to request a restart.

  25. Blast Off — Blast off will start promptly at the time stated at the mandatory partner pairings meeting. On the day of each tournament there will be no pre-meeting. It is the responsibility of each contestant to have boat launched and ready for blast-off by the stated time. When your number is called, you will go by designated area, receive your number tag and have a drive-by live well check. The Tournament Director will not delay blast off due to anglers that have not safely launched their boats. In the event your boat is not in the water at the time your number is called your blast off will be delayed until the Tournament Official re-calls your number. In most cases your number will be recalled at the end of the last flight. Regardless of blast off time you and your partner will be required to return for weigh-in at the time of your originally assigned flight.

  26. Check in for Weigh-in — An official timekeeper, wearing an safety vest, will be posted at the entrance to the host marina and will log the time that each team returns for weigh-in. The official return time will be logged at the point that the boat enters the host marina. Each team is responsible for handing their boat tag in clear view of the timekeeper. If the timekeeper determines that a boat is late he/she will notify the team that there is a time issue and that they need to see the timekeeper as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the team and the timekeeper to resolve time dispute issues prior to weigh in. If the issue cannot be resolved with the timekeeper the team should weigh in their fish and immediately report to the Tournament Director that there is an unresolved time dispute. All unresolved issues must be reported during weigh-in. It is the Tournament Director's responsibility to assess the situation and make a ruling. The Tournament Director's ruling is final.

  27. Boat Numbers — All boat numbers must be turned in at the weigh-in check in. Boat numbers must be returned even if no fish are weighed. The penalty amount of 1-pound will be deducted for not returning boat numbers at check-in or to the Tournament Director if leaving early.

  28. Team of the Year Qualification — Team of the Year are determined by points total for three of the four events (one throw out.)

  29. Northwest Bass Championship Qualification — Each team must buy a membership of $75 directly to Northwest Bass (thru before the first tournament. The Top 5 AOY for the season (allowing one throw out) will get an invitation to the Northwest Bass TOC.

  30. Fishing Alone — In the event that a team member is unable to fish a qualifying tournament the remaining angler may fish alone. For anglers fishing alone the qualifier will still count toward team qualification for the Northwest Bass TOC.

  31. Ties — Big fish will be used to break all tournament ties whenever possible. In the event of a big fish tie tournament monies will be added and divided equally. In the unlikely event of a tie in points for Team of the Year, the tie will be broken by first using biggest stringer of the season. If a tie still exists, biggest fish of the season will be used.

  32. Protest — All protests must be submitted to the Tournament Director in writing within 15 minutes of the weigh-in. Protests will be accepted from registered tournament anglers only.

  33. Tournament Check-In — At least one member of each team is required to check-in with the tournament registration staff during the hours set by the event itinerary. Those failing to check in on time will be back of the line. NO EXCEPTIONS! Tournament check-in times are set and announced by the Tournament Director.

  34. Rules Meeting — All contestants, unless previously excused by the Tournament Director, are required to attend the tournament Rules Meeting on the evening prior to the tournament either in-person or through livestream. Unauthorized absence may result in penalties as directed by the tournament authority.

  35. Awards Ceremony Attendance — While generally recognized that attendance at presentation of awards ceremonies is an act of respect, it is not always possible for all to attend. Those not attending forfeit any claim to trophies or merchandise earned in competition or lottery drawings. The Tournament Authority will mail the purse share and plaque to such individuals. No other party may pick-up purse checks.

  36. Deposits / Refunds —There is no provision for refunding tournament entry fees or deposits; however, entry fees or deposits may be transferred to another like event or to another contestant’s entry application if notification is received prior to the event deadline/purse closing.

  37. Registration and Entry Fees — Pre-registration for tournaments is encouraged. On-site registration will be open until Friday evening at the start of the Rules Meeting. On-site registration available at Rules Meeting: A Forty ($40) Late Fee will be added. DRPTS will accept late entries with the exception of tournaments with a full field. No entries will be accepted from any angler that has not observed the official off limits period.

  38. Polygraph — To assure sportsmanship and angler confidence polygraph testing will be enforced. All contestants, winners and non-winners, are subject to a polygraph. Failure to submit to or pass a polygraph test will result in immediate disqualification. Challenged Circuit Champions will be tested. Random tests may be conducted at tournaments without prior notice.

  39. Decisions — All decisions of the Tournament Authority shall be final.

Rules are subject to change without notice at anytime prior to the start of a tournament. The DRPTS has the right to refuse service or admission to anyone at anytime.